If you don’t have much money to spend on landscaping your small garden, there are plenty of ways to save money on your new garden. Upcycling old furniture, growing veg and creating a cosy seating area are just some ideas.
Budget garden ideas
Whether you have a small garden or a large one, you can find many creative ideas to improve the look of your space without breaking your budget. For example, you can use plastic guttering to make a container for strawberry plants. You can attach these to the wall of your house or garage, or stack them up and use as a planter. This way, you can enjoy fresh strawberries without spending a fortune.
Vertical gardens are also a great way to add to your garden on a budget. They are easy to build and are a great way to save space. Some of the plants you can use include succulents, ferns, bromeliads, and onions. You can also recycle items such as picture frames and use them as vertical gardens.
You can also add a trellis for privacy. This functional garden structure comes in a variety of colors, including rosewood, and is sturdy and attractive. It can help you grow climbing plants that can give your garden a nice feel and provide you with privacy from other neighbours. You can also add garden screening to give your garden an even more appealing look.
Upcycling old furniture
Upcycling old furniture can be an effective way to add extra space to your small garden, without breaking the bank. For instance, an old piano or sofa can be turned into a planter. A sewing desk can be converted into a planter, too. Even a jewelry box can be repurposed as a planter.
In addition to using reclaimed wood for garden furniture, you can also upcycle old furniture to create garden decorations. You can repurpose old kitchen units and cupboards into planters, raised flower beds, or other garden accessories. Reusing old furniture also gives you more options when it comes to color, style, and materials.
Upcycling old furniture is also a great way to save money on garden equipment. Recycled plastic bottles can be turned into colorful watering cans. You can also upcycle a surfboard into bench seating. Using the same materials, you can create some really unique garden furniture.
Another inexpensive garden idea is to upcycle old bed frames. These can be turned into a garden decor by adding a little potting mix to them. You can even use old eggshells as calcium boosters for your garden soil.
Growing veg
Vegetables and other crops can be grown on a small budget, even in a small garden. You can purchase seedlings or start your own vegetable garden from seed. The initial cost is low, but you will not get as much produce as you would if you were growing a large garden. According to calculations by The Spruce and Vegetable Growers News, a small garden can produce 25 pounds of tomatoes, 150 pole beans, 12 eggplants, and three or four heads of lettuce. This amount of produce can pay for your garden in the first year.
Small gardens can still be used to grow a wide variety of vegetables, including beetroot, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, and potatoes. Gardeners with small plots can grow these vegetables in raised beds, which are built on the ground and contain the soil needed for the plants.
One of the main reasons people choose to grow their own vegetables is the desire to save money. Buying vegetables at the store can cost up to eight times as much as growing them yourself. Plus, you can save space for other purposes.
Using recycled materials
Recycling materials is an excellent way to create garden structures and accessories. You can find many different kinds of materials to use in your garden. Many of these materials have been in use for years and can be reused. They can also be combined with nature to create a unique look and feel. Another great benefit of using recycled materials is that you have complete control over their appearance. You can even paint them to change their look.
You can also make use of recycled materials for your garden furniture. For instance, you can use old toilets, old bathtubs, and old window frames. If you want to grow herbs, you can even make planters out of these materials. If you don’t have the time to make garden furniture, you can also use pallets and repurpose them. Just make sure to cover them with a protective covering to prevent pests and animals from eating them.
You can also use tin cans as planters for your large plants. You can stack up several cans and add planting soil to create a container for your plants. For added protection, you can also hang pieces of string to protect them from birds.
Creating a vertical garden
Creating a vertical garden is an excellent way to make the most of a small space. These vertical gardens can be simple or elaborate, depending on the space. Choose plants that are adapted to the growing conditions in your area. You can also make use of felt carpet padding to hold the plants in place. This will keep moisture in the soil and prevent rotting.
If you don’t have the space to install a large vertical garden, you can always use a trellis planter. A trellis is ideal for growing vegetables. To start, choose leafy greens that can grow vertically. You can also try growing tomato plants and green beans. You can add flowers as well, because they add a pretty floral effect to your garden.
Another simple way to make a vertical garden is to use decorative ceramic pots. This will make them look great and add to your kitchen. Another way to display a vertical planter is to hang it from a sturdy hook or an old cutting board.